Proposed Changes to ECC Articles

The ECC board proposes the following changes, to be voted on at the AGM on Thursday, September 7, 2017.

That the board be increased by one to have three ordinary directors and for each to have a three-year period of office so their contribution to the board can be prolonged. This would allow for a three-year rotation.

Other additions specify terms of office for the President, Vice President and Past President which are currently lacking from the articles.

This is current article no 30

30. The number of Directors shall be fixed by the Club from time to time in General Meeting. Until otherwise determined the Directors of the Club shall be eight in number and shall consist of the President, Operations Director, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Past President and two Ordinary Directors. All Directors must be members of the Club and five of them shall form a quorum. The Directors shall be appointed by the Club at an Annual General Meeting. No more than two Directors shall at any time be members of the same nominated Curling Club. The President, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election. Of the Ordinary Directors two shall retire annually at the date of the Annual General Meeting and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year from the date of their retiral except to the office of President, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer or Honorary Secretary. The order of retiral shall as far as possible be according to seniority of election. Nominees for the post of President or Vice President must be, or have served, on the committee of the former unincorporated Edinburgh Curling Club or the Board of Edinburgh Curling Club Limited.

Proposed new article 30

30. The number of Directors shall be fixed by the Club from time to time in General Meeting. Until otherwise determined the Directors of the Club shall be nine in number and shall consist of the President, Vice President, Past President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Operations Director and three Ordinary Directors. All Directors must be members of the Club and five of them shall form a quorum. The Directors shall be appointed by the Club at an Annual General Meeting. No more than two Directors shall at any time be members of the same nominating Curling Club. The President, Vice President and Past President, shall hold office for a maximum of two years. The Operations Director, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election. The Ordinary Directors will hold office for three years but will be eligible for re-election. The order of retiral of Ordinary Directors shall as far as possible be according to seniority of election. Nominees for the post of President must be, or have served, on the committee of the former unincorporated Edinburgh Curling Club or the Board of Edinburgh Curling Club Limited.

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