
ECC Extraordinary General Meeting, Nov 12

Over the summer the Edinburgh Curling Club board contacted a firm of lawyers to review our current Memorandum of Association and produce Articles which are legal, up-to-date, and comply with current legislation. They combined the three documents we had into one fit for purpose set of Articles. It was hoped that at the ... More

Capital Curlers Celebrate New Energy Efficient Ice

Lord Provost Throws First Stone After £850,000 Upgrade Work has been completed on installing a new £850,000 ice pad at Edinburgh Curling Club at Murrayfield, with more than £500,000 raised by club members as part of a £1.1 million project which will include replacing the building’s external cladding. An ... More

Etiquette and Safety Reminders

The curling season is less than a week away, and while you’re getting out your brushes, we wanted to brush up everyone’s safety knowledge. Safety First All ice techs and rink staff are first aid certified. If there is an accident on the ice, please notify the nearest member of staff immediately. If you need to call ... More

Curling Memorabilia Sale & Auction, Nov 18

Hosted by Carrington Curling Club Sunday, November 18, 2018, from 1 p.m. Auction at 3 p.m. Browse the Sale General sales of smaller items, such as books, badges, pictures, posters, and programmes will start at 1 p.m. The auction of special interest items will begin at 3 p.m. There will be items priced to suit ... More

Cooling Floor Concrete Has Been Poured

We’re delighted to have reached one of the major milestones of this summer’s renovation. The cooling floor has been poured! It’s now covered in plastic for a few weeks as part of the curing process – while lots of other work happens around it. You can watch a time lapse of the process below: A total of 14.5 ... More

Renovation Update: In with the New

The removal phase is over and we're on to installing the new floor. Before we could start, core samples were taken from the foundation. To our delight, the report came back positive! While the upper layers were in very poor condition, the foundation was solid. That means we did not have to replace the foundation, which ... More

37 Club Raise Glasses to Raise Funds

Despite the inauspicious date, the 37 Club held a very successful whisky-tasting event on Friday, April 13 to raise funds for the ice rink project. Although a high proportion of 37 Club members have already contributed individually, the Club wanted to do more – both to help secure good curling at Murrayfield and to ... More

Renovation Update: Removing the Old Floor

Progress is well underway in the curling rink! So far, the ice, floor, insulation, and heat pad have all been removed. A few photos from the work so far are below. You can see regular updates on our Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account to see the photos or watch the time lapse videos). More

2017/2018 Half Century Winner

Congratulations to Team Dignan on winning the 2017/2018 Half Century League! Team Hunter claimed second place, with Team Brown coming in third. The full results are below. More

March 1K Club Winners

Congratulations to March 1K Club winners! First prize goes to Allan Smith of the Vets. Second prize goes to David Gillespie of Penicuik; third prize goes to Phil Wheeler of the Royal Bank of Scotland. This year’s 1K Club raised £1,500 towards the ECC cash reserves – and the upcoming renovation project. The 1K ... More